Newsletter February – March 2016
Early spring
has melted the eyes snow.
I was a blind seed.
Now I see.
The frost that bound
are separating. Flowing
sources of light and air
in everything that is dreaming.
Under the yellow grass,
where the cold was,
the skies cradles
as a root from a flower.
Stone, that was hard and cold
and put in shade
Turns silently
with the sun on the bare backs.
And from the rising waves
of green straw
new expectations are flowing
pure and blue.
Newsletter February – March 2016
Halfdan Rasmussen’s spring poem describes in a fine way what we humans each spring can sense: The things that have bounded us loosen and our minds are open and receptive to nature’s influence, we are filled with new energy and new forces. We also feel that at From Heart to Hand: We are moving on, something new is ahead waiting for us.
The month of February has brought us many joys. Many members have paid the annual fees and we have had new members. We thank you for all deposits and for those who haven´t, they can be paid into the account 9028-457-18-99286. New members will be gratefully received. Please remember to mark the payment: Annual fee and please don’t forget your name.
Thanks to all you loyal sponsors in making a big difference for some children in Ghana. We also welcome new sponsors, thank you, that you also want to help a Ghanaian child to a better future! There are constant adjustments in the amounts kids need. The older they get the more support is needed because of higher education costs. Thanks for all the support.
The website: Ditte perform a great and good work with the website. Currently she is working on a new and simplified way to revise and update the list of sponsored children. Remember to read the blog from our volunteers, Julie, who sends good and informative weekly newsletters about his experiences at FHTH Ghana.
Facebook: We enjoy to follow on the sides: From Heart to Hand, From Heart to Hand Building project and From Heart to Hand Lianes Bazar. Good and inspiring information for anyone
interested. Information, movies and photos from Ghana welcomes and encourages anyone who follows the project from a distance.
We are very grateful for all the donations the association gets: From foundations, scientists, dedicated high school students and private. It really makes a big difference to the operation of FHTH Ghana and some of you also sweeten the everyday life of the centre’s residents. A huge warm thanks to all of you.
Money banks also brings many extra funds for the association’s work. Thanks to all contributors. Money banks may be picked up in Lianes Bazar. All those pennies become a good extra helping hand – and: Every little … ..
Donation 25, a facebook project where the sale of homemade dishcloths supports various charities, has since January brought about 4,000 kr. to FHTH. Big thanks to the crochet ladies and to all buyers.
On March 1 the association held the general meeting. All attendance was very positive and two new board members and two new deputies where elected. How pleasant with all the support for the association’s work.
In Lianes Bazar it is going well. There is a large and diverse group of volunteers who all perform well. It is a diverse bunch and the board regard this as a quality. Everyone has something to contribute. All volunteers are positive and kind to the many different customers. We also see customers as supportive of the work of the association. And through meeting the many asylum seekers and new citizens, we try at Lianes Bazar to make a modest contribution to integration.
The board is trying constantly to raise more funds for FHTH Ghana, but since most events are time-consuming, we currently put out feelers to get help for a proposed Trim-Banko in June. We hope for support.
Liane and Ben come to Denmark in June, partly to holiday with the family, partly to work for the association. We look forward with anticipation to getting together and working together with them.
Ghana. The last month everyone has been very busy with making the new centre ready for occupancy.
All children were ready to move, the former volunteer, Annelise and her friend, Marie, has for Rotary funds built up a great playground at the new centre!
Now solar system is set up and works reportedly satisfactory. There is power in the fence on the wall and light in the buildings. The last fixtures are being done on the toilet and wash building. And the last kitchen items, obtained from a local artisan, have to set up Friday. – We hope everything has gone according to plan, it means that FHTH Ghana this weekend moves to own centre!
Amazing to think of! No one imagined this when the association was formed in the later half of 2008. A warm thank you to everyone, who over the years have believed in the future of our small NGO movement and donated money to FHTH Ghana. A special thanks to Rotary’s Ghana Committee who for several years faithfully has provided significant funding to work in Ghana. We hope the project has lived up to expectations! And we look forward to continued the cooperation!
Liane and Ben’s enthusiasm has given us the energy to work for the Board of FHTH: We feel privileged that we are part of FHTH Ghana. Without Liane and Ben there would be no From Heart
to Hand Ghana! Many children would have had no opportunity for schooling and education and many families would have “stalled”. We are proud of their efforts and that gets to be partners in the project. From the bottom of our heart: thanks to you both.
Having our own centre means reprioritisation of funds. Therefore, the association has set up an operating account, where all interested parties are welcome to pay a supplement. Amounts paid into our account in Spar Nord: 9028-457-18-99286, marked: 1875, will be used for the operation of the new centre and to the expenses that come with driving to schools, families and hospitals. Thanks in advance for each contribution.
“The spring so quietly comes.”
Thanks to our good landlord, Leif Hellsten, and by faithful volunteers Lianes Bazar can celebrate 5th birthday on April 1st. We do so with the knowledge that a new chapter / a new spring is coming. Therefore, the board keeps working and welcomes new and younger forces who want to be part of FHTH. We believe we are making a difference, both in Ghana and with our thrift store.
We know that if the world must change, we must begin with ourselves, our thinking and in our own neighbourhood.
Thanks to all of you who, in one way or another contribute to this.
Please remember the code to the reports: zztop55 Username word: bruger
Meet From Heart to Hand and Lianes Bazar on facebook. .
German facebook page: / FHTHde
Membership and sponsorship can be agreed on: or paid at Lianes Bazar. The membership can be paid into the association’s account at Spar Nord: 9028-457-18-99286 DKK 150 for an individual, 250 per. household, DKK 500 for associations, DKK 1000 for firms.
Please remember half price in Lianes Bazar the last working day of the month.
Vouchers for the association can be obtained in Lianes Bazar or the association’s address.
We accept all kinds of bric-a-brac and we can pick up larger things. (Niels: 20 70 50 49)
Please let us know, if you want any specific items from Ghana. We might be able to get it for you.
Please let us know if you get a new email address and to you who get newsletters and report sent by post: please give us your email address as well