Grace is your everyday, everyday, the presence. People living with grace, grace is: to be.
(DDS no. 522.1)
(Grace is an ambiguous concept: First, it is a religious sense, where the one who has grace, has God’s kindness and love. Second, grace means forgiveness or exemption from punishment, for example, the phrase “to ask for mercy.” The third use of the word is old-fashioned respectful of address two dignitaries: “Your Grace.” Synonyms: mercy, favor, goodwill.) (Wikipedia)
Human life is strange …….
In his book “Something for mercy”, Gudmund Rask Pedersen has some thoughts about the way we humans perceive life. Often we wonder why there is so much evil in the world, when God is good. To this Gudmund Rask Pedersen asked: Why is there so much that is good and beautiful in life?
When we occasionally meet adversity, illness and sorrows it affects us all and quite naturally, we are sad, demoralized, maybe even depressed.
But how do we RESPOND to life’s small and great joys? We appreciate every single new day, appreciate changing seasons and appreciate people we are living with. Do we remember “to be”?
For From Heart to Hand, May has been a busy month and this is definitely a positive sign.
We constantly receive new members, new sponsors and many individual donations. It is a pleasure with the great support we as an association meets everywhere. Thank you.
We are trying in good faith with the continuous updating of the Association’s website and facebook pages.
Laila Hygebjerg, designer and high school teacher in Rødding, has donated beautiful brick key chains to the association. They are sold for the benefit of the construction project in Ghana. Key rings can be purchased for 100 kr. in Lianes Bazar or ordered from the Association’s address. We are including a gift certificate (designed by Nicolaj Hygebjerg). We hope for good sales and thank Laila for the great work she has done to support FHTH.
Our showroom in Bredgade 64 will during summer stay open two Thursdays a month from 10 – 14. Many thanks to the owner of the building, who has been so kind to lend us the facilities. Also, thanks to Børge, who will be present on opening days: 18.06 – 02.07 – 23.07 – 06.08 – 20.08 – 10.09 – 24.09. We hope that many customers in addition to visiting Lianes Bazar also will look in at Bredgade 64.
Lianes Bazar is always busy. Thank you to our many customers and to all faithful helpers. Remember: We receive with thanks all forms of recycling things.
In the upcoming election From Heart to Hand will meet in the entrance hall. We bring piggy banks and information.
News from Ghana.
Here is the latest news from Liane:
Ghana has in recent weeks been the victim of heavy rain, with countless floods … More than 100 have died and many thousands left without homes … It is deeply tragic and everyone is in shock … We are privileged with where we live, the worst has passed beyond the coast. For all of us in Ghana it has meant even more power failure (yes who would have thought it was possible!!) So it is often not easy to get online, let alone charging the headset up …
We are deeply touched with the harsh and tragic conditions of many Ghanaians.
Report will be issued later.
Thank you to everyone for being there for From Heart to Hand. We wish you all a very nice summer. Let us enjoy it regardless the weather and let us be pleased that we have the opportunity to choose to be present in life.
Please remember the code to the reports: zztop55 Username word: bruger
Meet From Heart to Hand and Lianes Bazar on facebook. .
German facebook page: / FHTHde
Membership and sponsorship can be agreed on: or paid at Lianes Bazar.
The membership can be paid into the association’s account at Spar Nord: 9028-457-18-99286
DKK 150 for an individual, 250 per. household, DKK 500 for associations, DKK 1000 for firms.
Please remember half price in Lianes Bazar the last working day of the month.
Vouchers for the association can be obtained in Lianes Bazar or the association’s address.
We accept all kinds of bric-a-brac and we can pick up larger things. (Niels: 20 70 50 49)
Please let us know, if you want any specific items from Ghana. We might be able to get it for you.
Please let us know if you get a new email address and to you who get newsletters and report sent by post: please give us your email address as well.