In the name of love. In the name of love …………
The above was the theme of free air rock worship at the Church Laden in Stenum late August. Die Herren delivered music to a lovely church service and afterwards the orchestra gave a concert, where the theme also was love: Using love for our fellow men – both those who are near and those who are distant – we can overcome unexpected obstacles and move forward . After the last newsletter the board has experienced this love and understanding of our work in Ghana. We have gratefully received additional contributions to the work. We have also received 20,000 kr. from Lauridzen Foundation, a help towards solar power in Ghana. Further more Lianes grandmother and grandfather, Inger and Jørgen Jørgensen, have donated up to 40,000 kr. for the completion of ongoing construction. We are deeply grateful for all the support. We are not alone in being passionate about From Heart to Hand Ghana. We thank you for your faithful sponsorship, for new godparents, for new memberships, for filled piggy banks and the purchase of brick key chains. In addition to receiving your financial support, we also consider it as a great moral support. Thank you to each of you. Thanks for the help with the website and facebook. We often get positive response to things we make public.
This summer we have been very busy in Lianes Bazar and in Bredgade 64, but thanks to our faithful volunteers, things have gone really well. We welcome good influx of new volunteers and think it is both a positive challenge and very rewarding with the new Rotary exchange student, Cecilia from the US. We also had the pleasure, that most of our volunteers took part in the recently held a staff meeting. It makes the community stronger.
Every day we enjoy the big stickers at the top of the windows at Lianes Bazar. A big thanks to Densi Print for their donation. We have spent all summer working steadily towards the association’s participation in the sustainability Festival 2015. We have shredded up sweaters and knitted dishcloths and pot holders, knitted covers for wooden hangers, made beautiful covers for pillows, including covers with bell string sewn on. We have made pretty kitchen cloths, produced jewelery of royal porcelain, planted houseplants and perennials, we have made lucky bags etc. Without the help of the association’s faithful supporters, we would not have been able to do all this. Thank you to each of you. People see the things and they still sells well. Now we look forward to participating in the completion of this year’s Sustainability Festival: A fashion show in Brønderslev Hall Saturday, October 17. We look forward to showing clothes from Lianes Bazar.
In Ghana they are busy every day and it causes trouble that the power supply is so unstable. It is also an obstacle in relation to the board, the communication between the board and Liane is not optimal. We look forward to finish the solar system project so we are able to supply the new building with the power it needs. At the same time, we think ahead. Leif Hellsten has willingly (again, again) made drawings for the next phase of construction. It allows us to begin to seek Fund support for the next stage of construction. The new volunteer, Katrina, has now arrived in Ghana. She stays until Christmas. In the fall a German will stay there for six weeks. Also the theater team from Rødding high school will give us a visit in Ghana. Vendsyssel School Association will visit the centre this month. The participants have all each packed a spare suitcase with things to our clients in Ghana, a very nice gesture and a unique opportunity to fill the center’s inventory of used clothing, shoes and toys. Everyone at the center is looking very much forward to see this autumn’s volunteers and guests. At the same time we are very pleased in the board for all the interest people show us regarding FHTH.
The board – and many others – is very much looking forward to spent some time with Liane, Ben and Alfred in December.
Please remember, December 8th 19.00 there will be a lecture with Liane, Ben and Alfred at Brønderslev library. Entrance is free and we serve coffee and cake. Ther will be some musical entertainment and it is possible to buy American lottery. We lokk forward to hearing about all the news from Ghana and hope a lot of you will participate.
Thank you for sharing your love with From Heart to Hands work in Ghana.
Please remember the code to the reports: zztop55 Username word: bruger
Meet From Heart to Hand and Lianes Bazar on facebook. .
German facebook page: / FHTHde
Membership and sponsorship can be agreed on: or paid at Lianes Bazar.
The membership can be paid into the association’s account at Spar Nord: 9028-457-18-99286 DKK 150 for an individual, 250 per. household, DKK 500 for associations, DKK 1000 for firms.
Please remember half price in Lianes Bazar the last working day of the month.
Vouchers for the association can be obtained in Lianes Bazar or the association’s address.
We accept all kinds of bric-a-brac and we can pick up larger things. (Niels: 20 70 50 49)
Please let us know, if you want any specific items from Ghana. We might be able to get it for you.
Please let us know if you get a new email address and to you who get newsletters and report sent by post: please give us your email address as well.